Who are we ?

Welcome Bitcoiner friend, if you are here it is probably because like us at Bitcoin Bazar, you have decided to go down the white rabbit hole after choosing the orange pill...

That's good because that's precisely the goal we set for ourselves at Bitcoin Bazar. To accompany you throughout your journey in the fascinating world of Bitcoin and the Cypherpunks, these genius coders who loved freedom and paved the way, and allowed Satoshi to bring into the world one of the most fundamental inventions that humanity has ever known.

To do this, we opted for an original approach in the digital age, and decided to open a physical store in Paris in the 18th arrondissement.

A physical place

A mini shop

Located at 27 rue Eugène-Carrière in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, Bitcoin Bazar is a somewhat strange project at first glance... Why create a physical location dedicated to a "digital currency"?

Firstly because after all today everything can be purchased online and yet physical locations have not disappeared...

To discover

A thriving ecosystem

Thousands of developers, entrepreneurs, artists and creators of all kinds spread across the world produce various goods and services (wallets, nodes, books, gadgets and goodies, art etc ...) allowing the learning and use of Bitcoin. So why not bring some of them together in a dedicated place?

To understand

The importance of Bitcoin

At Bitcoin Bazar, we cater to both the curious and beginners as well as the experienced Bitcoiner. Feel free to come in if you just want to chat and ask questions, we will be happy to answer them and can direct you to resources (books, websites, blogs and social networks) that will help you better understand what Bitcoin is, and the problems it solves.

To use

Bitcoin to preserve privacy and autonomy

A physical place to buy anything related to Bitcoin is ideal. No need to provide your personal details when paying online, data that can leak following hacks or negligence. You pay on site in Bitcoin or cash and no one knows that you are interested in Bitcoin.

If you decide to order through our online store, the emphasis is also on preserving your privacy. Choose delivery to a Locker near you, and collect your products by presenting a simple QR code... practical.

Shop Presentation